Quarterly Packaging Report: Q1 2024

2 min read
January 25, 2024
Quarterly Packaging Report: Q1 2024

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Quarterly Packaging Report, presented by The BoxMaker. In this series we aim to bring you the most critical and current news in the world of custom packaging.

Whether you're a brand owner, packaging enthusiast, or just keen on staying ahead of the curve in packaging trends and technologies, this report is for you:  


Hosted by Kristi Duvall, The BoxMaker’s VP of Sales, our first episode explores the key packaging trends of 2024, how to keep up with new Costco packaging requirements, and introduces an innovative tool from Pregis that’s changing how companies assess the environmental impact of damaged packages.


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Hello, I’m Kristi Duvall with The BoxMaker and I’m here with your Quarterly Packaging Report, bringing you the top custom packaging news that you need to know.

Key Packaging Trends for 2024

Our first story dives into the Key Packaging Trends for 2024, critical information for anyone looking to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving world of packaging this year.

First on the list, sustainable materials are no longer optional. With growing environmental concerns, the demand for biodegradable and recycled packaging is soaring. 

Next, we predict the mass adoption of AI in design. AI is transforming the packaging design process, offering more efficient and innovative ways to create packaging concepts.

 The third trend is adopting a “digital first” strategy when it comes to print. Digital printing is revolutionizing packaging production with its quick lead times and flexible order quantities, giving brands a competitive edge.

To read the full list of 2024 packaging trends and for information on how to leverage them to your advantage, head over to The BoxMaker’s blog and read the full article.

Costco’s New Packaging Requirements

Our next story is relevant for any band who plans to sell in Costco in 2024. Costco has released new packaging requirements that mean significant impacts for custom packaging, trays, and displays going into stores this year. 

The list of updates is extensive, but the key updates center on display-ready packaging, meeting revised packaging performance requirements, and satisfying Costco’s new sustainability initiatives. 

The majority of these updates are addressable through structural design. For more detail, head over to The BoxMaker’s blog.

If your business needs assistance in meeting these new requirements, reach out to The BoxMaker. Our award-winning Design team is ready to help.

Calculate the Environmental Impact of Damaged Shipments

Our final story for this quarter features a powerful new tool that can help you reduce costs, improve your bottom line, and deliver on customer satisfaction – all while helping the environment. It’s called the Pregis EcoGauge calculator, and it’s the first-ever tool of its kind that uses a shipper’s unique data to accurately measure the environmental impact of their damaged products. 

If your company is struggling with damage rates or you’re looking for impactful ways to reduce your environmental footprint, head over to BoxMaker.com/ecogauge to get started.

That’s it for the Quarterly Packaging Report. I’m Kristi Duvall, reminding you to contact The BoxMaker and Experience the Power of Packaging in 2024.

Pregis EcoGauge CTA


Thank You for Watching the Quarterly Packaging Report

That’s it for The BoxMaker’s Q1 Packaging Industry Report. We look forward to keeping you up to date each quarter with a new special report on the latest packaging news you can use.


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